Deadline: WME, Inevitable Foundation Partner To Empower Disabled Writers
Image Description: A white box with the blue WME logo and the blue and black Inevitable Foundation logo.
By Matt Grobar
WME is teaming with the non-profit Inevitable Foundation to assist in its goal of helping disabled screenwriters to reach their full commercial and creative potential.
Under the partnership, Inevitable Foundation will look to leverage WME’s expertise, resources and relationships to break down barriers for disabled writers. The Foundation will receive financial support from WME, while working with their TV and MP lit agents to increase development and staffing opportunities for disabled writers, and setting their Accelerate Fellows up with opportunities for mentorship by notable agency clients.
“We are thrilled to partner with WME to help disabled writers build creative power in the film and television industry,” said Inevitable Foundation co-founders Richie Siegel and Marisa Torelli-Pedevska. “Disabled writers represent only 0.15% of first-look and overall deals, 3% of upper-level television writers, and less than 1% of the WGA. Having an industry power broker like WME put their strength behind radically reshaping how the entertainment community values disabled people will make a meaningful difference in this fight.”
Added WME President Ari Greenburg: “There is simply not enough access for writers from underrepresented groups, and that is even more apparent amongst the disabled population. Richie and Marisa have put together a thoughtful plan to address this issue, and WME is proud to support them and the Inevitable Foundation in providing more opportunity for disabled writers to see their stories come to the screen.”
Since its inception in 2021, Inevitable Foundation has granted over a quarter million dollars directly to disabled screenwriters via its Accelerate Fellowship, Elevate Collective and Elevate for Podcasters programs, while providing the creatives with further opportunities for job placement, professional development, funding, networking and mentorship.